Connect: Montreal
Following the announcement of IATA’s new initiative 25by2025, IATA hosted an IAWA Connect event at its head office in Montreal, in partnership with ICAO and ACI, on 26 Sept 2019. The theme of the event focused on what organizations and individuals can do to progress gender diversity in aviation, which was underlined by the guest speakers; Alexandre de Juniac, CEO & Director General of IATA, Dr. Fang Liu, Secretary General of ICAO, Karen Clayton, Corporate Secretary of IATA, Bobbi Wells, President Elect of IAWA, and Fadimatou Noutchemo Simo Founder of YAAPA and winner of the IATA Diversity & Inclusion Awards. The Connect was well attended by representatives from IATA, ICAO, ACI, and many other industry bodies and companies based in Montreal such SITA and Bombardier. Being held on the side of the ICAO 40th Assembly, the Connect was also attended by some of the delegations to ICAO. To view photos from the event, click here.