February 2019 President's Message
IAWA's starting 2019 in great shape, after being fully energized from an extraordinary 30-year anniversary in 2018. Our 2018 Annual Report has been released and it's available by clicking here. Please take a look at IAWA's accomplishments from last year and congratulate yourself as this is the result of your continuous support to our mission. Thank you!
For 2019, we remain as inspired, excited and focused, as always, with many projects in the pipeline that will continue IAWA's impact and footprint in the aviation and aerospace industries. Let us share with you some of the great news.
IAWA has just launched a new website for members, members.iawa.org, aimed at improving our communications and simplifying your ability to stay connected with IAWA. The new system is designed to provide the general public with direct and easy access to information regarding IAWA events and news, and to connect our members to the community by allowing them to search the member directory, register for events, see photos from past events, and access their committees, among many other features. Although the system is very intuitive and user-friendly, IAWA is making available a webinar entitled 9 Ways to Be More Involved in IAWA to walk you through the use of our new tool, and help you take advantage of the many opportunities to engage with IAWA. I'd like to recognize the work and efforts of our VP Inspire and Lead, Rene Banglesdorf, and of Kristin Grove and Tracey Cheek in the implementation of this new website.
This is also that time of the year in which we renew our membership with IAWA. By renewing your commitment, you continue your access to all member benefits including webinars, discounted fees for our conferences and forums, access to our IAWA network, invites to all Connect and other networking events throughout the year and many others. Dont forget to renew by February 15th, to take advantage of the early bird discounted fee!
IAWA continues to provide our members with networking opportunities through our events worldwide. Connects have been held so far this year in Orlando, Florida, at the Aviation Law and Insurance Symposium, and co-hosted with Embry Riddle Aeronautical University; and in Dublin, Ireland, during the Airline Economics Growth Frontiers event, sponsored by Airline Economics. There will be plenty of other opportunities throughout the year to join our inspiring leaders, among them an upcoming Connect in Chicago on February 21, and the 2019 General Aviation Womens Leadership Forum, in Napa, California, on May 5 and 6. These events are also designed to engage you in conversations on the most relevant issues in aviation and aerospace, and provide chances for professional and leadership growth.
Last year IAWA and six other organizations (ACI, AIA, A4A, IATA, CANSO and Korn Ferry) launched a global study Soaring Through the Glass Ceiling to identify and promote means by which the aviation and aerospace industry can more effectively recruit and advance women into leadership roles. Stay tuned for the results of the study to be released in the upcoming months!
On October 16-18, we will be welcoming you to Lima, Peru, for our 31st Annual Conference. Save the date for another IAWA signature event that -true to its essence- promises high-level conversations on the most relevant issues in aviation and aerospace, and with the most prominent professionals in our industry.
IAWA's scholarship and mentoring programs continue to be at the core of our organization, and we count on your support to continue increasing our programs, and the number of women who benefit from them. Please take a minute to review our Sponsorship Program and help us continue our mission. Sponsor IAWA so that together we can build the future of our industry worldwide!
I invite you to share with us your ideas and contributions and expand IAWAs global impact. We count on you to make 2019 another great year to Connect, Inspire and Lead!
Best wishes for a healthy and successful 2019!